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Youth rules

d.a.s.h. “dream” The 30 or so participants of Tacoma’s D.A.S.H. Center for the Arts’ summer arts program CLUB FAME will present their own adaptation of William Shakespeare’s “MidSummer Night’s Dream” this weekend. These young people have devoted the last six weeks to learning techniques in ballet, jazz, hip-hop dance, acting and


McKinley Street Festival, fur brigade and more

THE STARS Stargazer’s night Every so often, on cloudless nights that follow slow traffic days, smog makes a deal with the atmosphere and agrees to cut out early so South Sounders can see those white, twinkling things Midwesterners and mountain purists call “stars.” But apparently billions of these star things are floating


Hotrod-a-rama impresses

One of the conversations I had this week sent me in to one of my usual analytic tailspins, which usually find their way as an intro for this here column, which offers you more and more insight as to who this Carmen Jones of yours really is. I had the pleasure


The Joel Show II

Local choreographer and dancer Joel Myers wants to move you. Along with a cadre of professional body-movers, he will do just that when he presents “The Joel Show II” at the Annie Wright Theater Saturday. For those wondering, “The Joel Show II” is all about its creator, Joel Myers. Well, sort


Kids can jam too

The Weekly Volcano doesn’t cover much kid stuff, but that’s not because we don’t like kids. It’s just that there are so many adult things to do. So here’s an exception: Randy Oxford’s Blues Theatre Wednesday open jam allows kids to jump on the stage from 8 to 9 p.m. They


Eleven on the 11

All of you dearly-devoted readers know what a fierce advocate I am for public transportation, especially Pierce Transit. And hooray, I‘ve discovered one more way that Pierce Transit really, truly is the Scene of the Crime. The Husky, being of sound mind and body, offered us a public transportation concept that was


Support your local ‘Rock Zombie’

Tacoma’s 72-Hour Film Festival seemed to send out a clear theme message last May: mind the zombies. Months later, along came an intrepid group of professional-style film makers creating Rock Zombie ( hoping to amplify that message, loud and clear, and to raise it to: no, really, zombies rock! “They’re the thing


Gestural love

Chuck Gumpert and Christopher Mathie are painters after my own heart. They both love the act of painting ― the kind of painting that since the 1940s has been called “gestural,” a word not recognized by dictionaries but well loved by artists the world over. Gumpert and Mathie share a studio,


Glitter, Glisten, and Gleam

Sequins. Lucille Ball, Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol and Uncle Sam. Cotton candy. Artists and sparkly art. Put these ingredients together, and you must have the Tacoma Art Museum’s summer community festival Glitter, Glisten, and Gleam!, a free event happening from 6 to 8:30 Friday at the museum, celebrating “Sparkle then


Showcase Tacoma

To Nancy Johnson, communications director for Metro Parks Tacoma, it makes sense for the city to “showcase” its artistic talent and arts-related resources. “Because really,” she explains, “the arts are at the center of what ‘re-sparked’ Tacoma.” So for the second time, performing and visual arts will literally take center stage


Take another thrill ride

Run, Jason, Run.  The Bourne films have taken chases beyond a storytelling technique and made them into the story.  Jason Bourne’s search for the secret of his identity doesn’t involve me in pulsating empathy for his dilemma, but as a MacGuffin, it’s a doozy.  Some guy finds himself with a


High flying hilarity

Rod Kimble, the hero of “Hot Rod,” is Evel Knievel on a moped.  He leads a life resembling an episode of “Jackass.”  Not a day passes without him attempting a harebrained stunt, and failure doesn’t discourage him because he knows in his heart that he is destined to become world


Bratz: The Movie

Bratz: The Movie Before we begin, a few reminders about “Bratz: The Movie.” 1.    It is inspired by a line of fashion dolls.  2.    The project has been linked to Paula Abdul.  I say this in an effort to manage your expectations.  You will find nothing in this movie even approaching


Capers Downtown

Ed. Note: Since food critics Jake and Jason de Paul grabbed their families and blew town for a week, the Weekly Volcano sent scribe Julie Jordan for a first bite at Capers Downtown. The boys will visit Capers in the next couple of months. In “Swingers,” John Favreau judged hookups by


Tinsley Ellis

A few weeks ago, Bobble Tiki made an offhand remark about Jazzbones. This offhand remark caused a level of general hysteria that Bobble Tiki usually only stirs up after seven cocktails. Jazzbones didn’t take kindly to the remark, and frankly, many at the Weekly Volcano haven’t either. In fact, the


Skate rock extravaganza

In the paraphrased words of the Hold Steady, I’m kind of like Rod Stewart when he was young. I\'ve got passion, and I think that I’m sexy. And all the punks think I’m dumb. It’s true, and I’ve come to accept it. I do think I’m sexy, and for the most


South Sound Running

Shape gear Yeah, I bet you thought this would be another article about my ever-expanding midriff and butt, and Spanx, since I used the word “shape." Well you’re wrong: this is an article about my decreasing midriff and butt, thanks to my training with Troy Nesby at the Tacoma Center YMCA, in


Summer Jam look

Recently I went to this big concert that Kube 93 throws called Summer Jam. It’s basically a big party where music stars come to entertain, and the price starts out at only $28. To me, that’s a pretty good price. While I was walking around in between shows I noticed


Dress for the Prom

In hindsight, my high school prom “dress” was very much like Tinky Winky’s costume on the Telletubies. I should note, first off, that I did not go to prom, as I was not asked, and I am not bitter about that fact. As it turned out, my senior prom night was


Proctor Arts Fest

The North End of Tacoma has its own very special aura. It has a quaint upper scale, artsy vibe with its well-built older homes and manicured lawns that seem to say, “We are successful and established here.” As if it were pre-planned by some city official, Proctor District has just

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